Logistics & Transport Consultant
Prof. David Asamoah has been with Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) for the past 14 years and he is currently an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Supply Chain and Information Systems at KNUST School of Business (KSB).
He received his Bachelors’ degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Masters’ degree in Business Administration and PhD in Logistics & Supply Chain Management all from KNUST. His research interest include Supply Chain management, Enterprise Systems, Procurement Management and ICT use and he has several co-authored publications in top ranked journals to his credit. He is currently leading the Supply Chain Digitalization Research Team of the Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Supply Chain-Africa (CARISCA), which is a USAID sponsored project between Arizona State University and KNUST to conduct research that seeks to improve Agri-Food Supply Chain Sustainability through digitalization in Sub-Sahara Africa.
David’s service activities in various capacities have been varied and widespread resulting in a rich experience in delivering high quality services to both the local and international communities. Over the past years, he has served as chair and member for many statutory and ad-hoc committees in the university community. He is also a moderator for some of the universities affiliated to KNUST. Some of his activities at the national level include: (i) Governing Council Deputy Chair for the Institute of Project Management Professionals and Faculty Advisory Board member for Sunyani Technical University respectively (ii) panel assessor for over ten (10) tertiary institutions’ accreditation on behalf of Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) (iii) External Assessor in the area of faculty promotions for a number of Technical Universities in Ghana. At the international level, he has served as an organizing committee member and mini-track co-chair for many international conferences. He also serves as ad-hoc reviewer for many reputable supply chain and information systems’ reputable journals.
David has occupied key academic positions which have allowed him to gain an extensive experience in university administration. He has had the opportunity to serve as Vice-Dean of KNUST School of Business for two consecutive academic calendars and Head of Department (HoD) for three consecutive academic calendars. As HoD, he saw to the progression of colleague lecturers, both in the areas of terminal degree attainment and academic rank progression. In the area of satisfaction of his clients – i.e., the students, David superintends over excellent teaching, holding of relevant seminars, field trips and workshops to expose students to the field of practice. David submitted a matched Project Request and Scholar Application to the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP), in the fall 2017 competition. The project which was selected for funding afforded some Ghanaian Professors from various Universities in the United States of America to work with KNUST and its Affiliates in the summer of 2018. Their core mandates were to assist the faculties of KNUST School Business and that of the Affiliates to publish in high-ranking peer reviewed journals and also assist the Universities in all facets of our DBA and PhD programmes.